Monday, January 31, 2011

Why does the American Press allow themselves to be used by dictators.

Why does the American Press allow themselves 
to be used by dictators?

Why does the American Press allow themselves to be used by dictators?  How and WHY do we call DICTATORS like Hosni Mubarak allow themselves to be called President.    To me and I would think MOST Americans a president is an elected official. HE CLEARLY is not how and why have you and others been lying to us??? 

How can anyone that is not filling a vacancy appoint a Vice President????

It is all a WAR of words I know.  But we have to be able to RELY on your words for accepted meanings.


Thanks in advance,
"We live in a Lawless Society...
"Agere sequitur esse"
"Time is of the essence"
David G.Jeep
E-mail is preferred,
(314) 514-5228

David G. Jeep
c/o The Bridge
1610 Olive Street,
Saint Louis, MO 63103-2316

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