Friday, June 28, 2024

Chevron deference

Chevron deference


The administration of law in the United States has been an executive function for DECADES, if not forever.  To remove the Chevron deference, to the executive, forces everything to be subject to the ANARCHY of 11% of the population's deference required to maintain a filibuster in the UNREPRESENTATIVE Senate!!!


In the UNREPRESENTATIVE "dark money" senate without regard to party, a majority of 52 of the senators, from the 26 least populous states amount to a minimum 18% (58,200,744) of the population.  To hold a filibuster and BLOCK EVERYTHING takes 42 senators from the 21 smallest states with a minimum 11% (37,216,620) of the population.  60 Senators from the 30 least populous states can override any filibuster with a population of 79,847,432, amounting to only 24% of the total population.


Now granted, the least populous states have never come together perfectly since the Civil War, but anything less than 51% of the population telling 49% of the population is not the representative government our constitution guarantees.

Mika, United States v. Rahimi, You are missing the issues

Wednesday, June 26, 2024


Mika Brzezinski

30 Rockefeller Plaza Suite 408

New York New York 10112-0002


Re: Mika, United States v. Rahimi, You are missing the issues

      Make the United States great again[1] 


Dear People,


The Supreme Court on Friday, June 21, 2024, upheld a federal law that bars anyone subject to a domestic violence restraining order from possessing a gun.  Your take on the issue, this is good for women's rights and gun control.

You could not be more WRONG.

Now I state openly and without reservation, I believe in a "well-regulated militia."  A "well-regulated militia" is the only way to fix the United States' gun problem.  Picking out individual bad actors will not fix the United States' gun problem, 

A well-regulate militia in my view requires licensing, the regular renewal of license with liability[2] insurance for the legal possession of any gun. Furthermore a well-regulated militia prohibits UNREGULATED open or concealed carrying of a loaded weapon in a public place.  Carrying a loaded weapon in your rear pickup truck window, your pocket or your glove box should be prohibited.  It is a RISK civilized society should not have to endure.

Furthermore, I state, in 2003 I was served with an extra-judicial[3] ex parte order of protection that never listed any abuse and abuse was never claimed or presented in the divorce proceedings.  My son, my home, my car everything I ever cared for in the world was taken from me and handed over to my newly revealed once intimate enemy.

Ex parte orders of protection

Ex parte orders of protection are granted, way too conservatively, holding the accused to an impossibly pacific standard and liberally without specific probable cause in the United States today.  To add an extraordinary gun control facet to the abuse of ex parte orders of protection is punitive not helpful.  I mean if you are into guns and cannot find a libertarian-gun-loving-profiteer to sell you an unlicensed firearm, you are just not trying in the United States today.

In 1960 1 in 20 (5%) kids lived in a home without a father, in 2014 it is 8 in 20 (40%).[4]  That is a 700% increase in the failure rate.  The problem with the family in the United States today is not about the rarity of domestic abuse and individual failings.  Society "at large" is failing.  The issue with the Family today is Jane Crow Discrimination = Fathers are disfavored by domestic relations law in the United States!

You are not going to stop the REAL committed abuser with an unenforceable gun prohibition and you are going to potentially disturb ethical gun lovers.  It is not worth the exchange..  

We do not need to add to the abuse potential of the already ubiquitously abused ex parte orders of protection.  We need to give credibility anew to the legitimate use of ex parte orders of protection before expanding its potential abuse.

We need to provide EVERY person with our constitutionally assured "due process of law" and eliminate the abuse of extra-judicial[5] ex parte orders of protection before we add to the problem.

Gun Control

I was talking to a friend of mine the other day.  I have known the guy for 10 plus years.  He has a good job, pays his bills, been married and divorced, has kids, and supports his current girlfriend.  He lives in the city and has all his life, never lived on farm and probably never even been on one.  And except for being a dirty, rotten, stinking Cubs fan I could not fault him.

We were just chatting last week.  I do not know what brought it up?  But he revealed to me he had a Glock.  I remarked, "A piece of tactical tupperware.'"  And I asked why?  He said that he just liked having it.  He then related that he also has an AK47. 

I am telling you this is a good dirty, rotten, stinking Cubs fan if there ever was one. 

But this guy is more about the gun problem in the United States today than the very, very RARE gun wielding domestic abuser today.  His guns are at best an accident looking for a place to happen. 

Anybody that says they would never go off the deep end and use guns recklessly or violently just does not know the potential depths of humanity.  Any person can be pushed over the edge of sanity by the proverbial "slings and arrows of outrageous fortune." 

And ACCIDENTLY his son?  His grandson might stumble upon them?  Thinking they were toys and shoot themselves or shoot his father, the neighbor, his sibling?      

To put it more precisely, unregulated irresponsible gun ownership in a civilized country is at best an accident waiting to happen or at worst pointlessly destructive

Gun deaths in a civilized world are near ZERO.  I mean just look around for civilized societies with near zero gun deaths.  The United States is not CIVILIZED.

If there is anything further, please let me know.

"Time is of the essence"

Thank you in advance.


David G. Jeep




[2] Liability for not only the immediate owners misuse, but also a contribution to a victim fund for any stolen firearm.

[3] not legally authorized - VII Amendment, Criminal 18 U.S.C. § 241 &; 242 and Civil 42 U.S.C. § 1983 and 1985

[4] The Fracking Boom, a Baby Boom, and the Retreat From Marriage" - Freakonomics – NPR - July 5, 2017, "Women just aren't that into the 'marriageable male' anymore, economists say" Washington Post - By Danielle Paquette - May 16, 2017, "Male Earnings, Marriageable Men, and Nonmarital Fertility: Evidence from the Fracking Boom" Melissa S. Kearney & Riley Wilson - May 2017

[5] not legally authorized - VII Amendment, Criminal 18 U.S.C. § 241 &; 242 and Civil 42 U.S.C. § 1983 and 1985


Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Make the United States GREAT AGAIN

Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Senator Steven Roberts

201 W. Capitol Ave., Rm. 328

Jefferson City, Missouri 65101


Representative LaKeySha Bosley

201 West Capitol Avenue, Room 101H

Jefferson City MO 65101

Re: Make the United States GREAT AGAIN


Dear People,


M.A.G.A. is a fascist movement with no representatively and NATIONALLY elected connection[1] to the United States.  There is no President of America[2].  We have an election in November to elect the President of the United States.  The UNION is what makes the United States great, not the fascism of a vocal anarchist inconsistent assertedly American[3] minority.

I am tired of living in a fascist Red State!  We the People of Missouri need to expose the fascist gerrymandering of Missouri state government.  I refuse to believe my neighbors know the potential of their influence.  We are overwhelmed by a fascist self-serving federally subsidized[4] rural welfare state.

I am asking you as individual delegates, or better yet as part of the Missouri State Democratic Congressional committee to do a statistical study of the voting population per State Senator and per House seat. 

State of Missouri supports 34 state senatorial seat (24 Republican, 10 Democrats) and 163 state house representatives (111 Republican, 51 Democrats).  I want to see how many voters each seat represents. 

I have done this with the 2020 federal census for the federal government i.e., Small "d" un-democratic "dark money" CORRUPT Senate.[5]  In a small "d" undemocratic "dark money" senate without regard to party, 52 of the senators[6], from the 26 least populous states amount to a minimum 18% of the population. To hold a filibuster[7] and BLOCK EVERYTHING takes 42 senators from the 21 smallest states with a minimum 11% of the population.  Now granted, the least populous states have never come together perfectly since the Civil War, but anything less than 51% of the population telling 49% of the population is not the representative government our constitution guarantees. .

Do not allow loud mouths to assert that urban area will dominate the rural areas.  The biggest advancement of civilization has been and will always continue to be is urbanization, mass production and big farming over hunters, crafters and home gardening.

And then with that information in hand, I propose state-wide "ranked choice" non-party primary voting to eliminate the tiny rural all too easily swayed districts. 

If there is anything further, please let me know.

"Time is of the essence"

Thank you in advance.


David G. Jeep




[1][1]  GWBush and Trump show that you can get elected a president with an unrepresentative minority.  With the unrepresentative constitutional electoral college you only need 23% of the population, 51% of the 41 smallest states by population to get 270 electoral votes in the constitutional small "d" corrupt unrepresentative Electoral College.

[3] Trump is ANTI America.  Trump wants to extract the United States from America with WALLS.

[4] I have no issue with Federal Farm Subsidies.  I do have an issue with a federally subsidized fascist minority DENYING the majority federally subsidized "Affordable Healthcare" and etc.

[6] A clear majority of the 100 United States Senators

[7] You want a really good laugh? "The 30 least populated states (60 senators) with a population of 80,549,406, amount to only 24% of the total population."  


Thanks in advance...

"Agere sequitur esse" ('action follows being')

David G. Jeep, Federal Inmate #36072-044 (formerly) -

Mobile (314) 514-5228 leave message