Thursday, April 18, 2024

I see no issue with Trump in prison lock up. It would be a gravy assignment for any Secret Service officer.

Thursday, April 18, 2024, 6:32 PM

I see no issue with Trump going to Rikers Island or an FDC for a contempt charge or a final sentence.  Everybody is talking about how the JAIL duty would be so distasteful for the Secret Service.  No WAY.  Their job would be so much easier with the protectee in jail.  No traffic issues, no exposure to an un-controlled horizon of potential snipers.  


The Secret Service would have it easy, no traveling, probably be home every night or at worst every night every third week.  I 


The worst of it would be group settings where the general population would have access.  Prison attacks are easier to defend against than attacks out of a random general public.  


Even if he was in a low security general population.  Nobody has access to the second amendment much less ANY kind of weapon.  All of the inmates are PRESCREENED everyday.  
