Thursday, April 3, 2014

We should be TEACHING thinking in kindergarten instead of rote memorization "of many facts." Give a person the ability to THINK for themselves and they will SEEK OUT the facts with a level of ferocity, "the size of the FIGHT in the dog" undefeatable by the ignorance of others no matter "the size of the dog in the fight".

It ain't the size of the dog in the fight, it is the size of the FIGHT in the dog.  We have to change the trajectory of EDUCATION.  We have to be able to sell EDUCATION to our children.  We have to make them want to fight for an education more than they want to fight for the next NEW VIDEO GAME.  Better TEACHERS would help.  But better teachers teaching the WRONG thing to a RESISTANT marketplace would be destructive not CONSTRUCTIVE. 

Albert Einstein had no knowledge of the information age to come. Yet He prophetically said "[I do not] carry such information in my mind since it is readily available in books (or google)....The value of a college education is not the learning of many facts but the training of the mind to think" (In response to not knowing the speed of sound as included in the Edison Test: New York Times (18 May 1921) Albert Einstein).  We have to change the trajectory of EDUCATION to the intrinsic value of “training of the mind to think" instead of the irrelevant trajectory of the too laborious regurgitation of facts!!!!

We should be TEACHING thinking in kindergarten instead of rote memorization “of many facts.”  Give a person the ability to THINK for themselves and they will SEEK OUT the facts with a level of ferocity, “the size of the FIGHT in the dog” undefeatable by the ignorance of others no matter “the size of the dog in the fight”.  Being able to think and make GOOD credible decisions will do more to harmonize civilization than the rote memorization “of many facts.”  

Judicial Independence was originally postulated to altruistically SUPPORT AND DEFEND THE ESTABLISHMENT OF JUSTICE in the face of malice, corruption, sincere ignorance and conscientious stupid.  Judicial Independence as “absolute immunity” today COVERS UP malice, corruption, sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity EVERYDAY!!!!!!!!!!

Thanks in advance

To Kill a Mocking Bird, The Denial of Due Process
"agere sequitor esse"
“Time is of the essence"
David G. Jeep
E-mail is preferred,
(314) 514-5228

David G. Jeep
Saint Louis, MO 63155-9999

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