Thursday, October 3, 2024

Governor Walz needs to do an “Arnie Vinick”[1] as regards his alleged lying

Harris/Walz Victory Fund

PO Box 96663

Washington, DC 20077-7085

Re: Governor Walz needs to do an "Arnie Vinick"[1] as regards his alleged lying


Dear Candidates,

Governor Walz needs to do an "Arnie Vinick" and similarly confront the Republican/Trump's issue of Walz's alleged lying as compared to the Republican Party / Trump's issues of lying/fraud. 

In the West Wing TV series' episode S07E12 Title "Duck and Cover" the Arnie Vinick character confronts a political issue late in the fictional presidential campaign by confronting it with an open-ended press conference where he stands in front of the issue, a proverbial "nuclear power plant", and takes ALL questions from the press to their exhaustion while also keeping the same rhetorical/reciprocal pressure on the Republican/Trump campaign LIES.

Governor Walz needs then propose and stand up to all questions from the press to their exhaustion as regards Walz's alleged lying v Republican/Trump's lying.

Governor Walz needs to admit he misspoke in regard to his August of 1989 China Trip with a group of Teenagers.  An enormous task I would be afraid of taking on during stable political times.  Governor Walz HEROICALLY took his students as planned on a "bake sale" financed LONG PLANNED trip to China in August of 1989(?) and not actually during the then recent past of the 1989 Tiananmen Square protests and massacre Apr 15, 1989 – June 4, 1989. 

I would bet the proverbial "house" that the Press just will not have any questions.  Walz needs to stand up at a place and at time as promised/premised. The Democrats then need to respond every day, to every assertion from the Republican Party and Trump up and down the ticket, "Please explain the following, here DOCUMENTED, Republican party and Trump 30,583 +/- lies?"

Governor Walz and the Democratic Party need to then ask, "How do the Republicans and or Trump have any issue with lying?"  When they have been flagrantly and unapologetically purporting lies since at least the "birther Issue" and including:

2.    Republican Party/Trump's legally unsustainable claims of "Lock Her Up" in 2016 election

3.    Republican Party/Trump's fraud Trump University Settlement,

4.    Republican Party/Trump's fraudulent allegation of an oversized inaugural crowed size v Obama's

5.    New York State's Hush Money convictions of Republican Party / Trump

6.    Russian Interference, collusion, an obstruction of justice as referenced in the Mueller Report of the Republican Party / Trump.

7.    "We the People" had two Democratic impeachments defeated by the Republican Party and Trump, i.e.:

a.    "Abuse of power, obstruction of Congress", Allegations that Trump unlawfully solicited Ukrainian authorities to influence the 2020 U.S. presidential election

b.    "Incitement of insurrection", Trump's conduct before and during the U.S. Capitol attack; Trump–Raffensperger phone call

8.    The Republican Party and Trump need to stop spewing the Big Lie[2] and provide PROOF.  The Republican Party and Trump have been SPEWING the Big Lie for tooooo long unchecked by the NEED for facts of the REAL WORLD.

9.    The Republicans and Trump need to explain the systemic LYING/fraud proven in the New York state civil conviction New York v. Trump et al. with $354.8 million of disgorgement of ill-gotten gains for financial fraud

10. The People of Springfield of Ohio v. Trump, Vance and the Republican Party[3]

11. Not to mention the Republican Party's and Trump's 30,573 lies in 4 years office as reported by the Washington Post[4].

12. Or the numerous "meritless legal arguments" of his legal appeals[5]

The Democratic party needs to stay on this task with the Republican Party / Trump Campaign up and down the ticket until the last vote is tallied November 5. 2024.


Enough said.


If there is anything further, please let me know.

"Time is of the essence"

Thank you in advance.


David G. Jeep




[1] In Season 7 of the West Wing episode S07E12 Title "Duck and Cover",

[2] The Big Lie is the false claim that the 2020 election was stolen from Donald Trump and that the Republicans who affirmed Biden's victory were part of a conspiracy to defeat their own party's presidential candidate.

[3] Haitian group in Springfield, Ohio, files citizen criminal charges against Trump and Vance

[5] New York Attorney General Letitia James' office said the current Republican nominee's appeal is awash in "meritless legal arguments." ( )


Wednesday, October 2, 2024

The MOST important LESSON LEARNED from the Trump Era


The MOST important LESSON LEARNED from the Trump Era

"We the People" have to "make lying wrong again!!!!"


I know this is jumping ahead some, there is still a possibility that Trump will come out and win November 5, 2024.  I do not want to jinx anything.  We need to GET OUT the VOTE November 5, 2024. 

I got to thinking "We the People" elected a president in 2016 that paid $25 million to settle a claim of fraud that had been pending for the entire multi-year election, i.e., "Donald Trump's fraudulent university[1]".  HOW DID THAT HAPPEN?  Should "We the People" tighten up our civil or criminal fraud statutes? 

Trump got elected with the assistance if not in a conspiracy with a foreign power, i.e., Russia/Putin.  Should "We the People" tighten up our election laws to better preclude foreign interference during and subsequent elections? 

"We the People" had the Mueller Investigation that laid out illegal Obstruction of Justice[2] for us.  Should "We the People" change if not enforce a prosecution of a president while in office or suspend the statute of limitations while in office?

"We the People" had two impeachments i.e.:

1.    "Abuse of power, obstruction of Congress", Allegations that Trump unlawfully solicited Ukrainian authorities to influence the 2020 U.S. presidential election

2.    "Incitement of insurrection", Trump's conduct before and during the U.S. Capitol attack; Trump–Raffensperger phone call

Should "We the People" tighten up the impeachment process and take politics out of it?

Since Trump left office, "We the People" have had criminal "Hush Money Case" in New York, and civil Financial Fraud case in New York where he was found criminally and civilly guilty, yet he claims immunity in both.  Should "We the People" tighten clear up the issue of immunity.  To accept Supreme Court precedent, you have to believe that "We the People" sub silentio[3] traded the "King can do no wrong" for the absolute immunity of the President, ever-present Judges, Prosecutors, Police and others?[4]

Add Jack Smith's January 6th [5] and Florida Documents case[6] - and as of July 2024, fake electors from Arizona, Georgia, Michigan and Nevada have been charged with crimes.  Should "We the People" clean up our electoral college?  Not to mention any issue with criminal culpability for the Presidential Records Act (PRA)?

Yes "We the People" need to do all those things. 

But to be honest those are all Band-Aids not fixes. 

To fix the problem of another Trump/Vance, "We the People" need to take up the issue of Public Corruption of Liars and Fear Mongers like the Springfield Ohio Citizens Natural born and green card holders (  Imagine if there had been a way to silence Trump's original lies and fear mongering of the "Birther Claims" not to mention his "Golden Escalator" claims of ubiquitous "Mexican drug dealers and rapist" coming this way. 

Trump's 30,573 lies in 4 years office as reported by the Washington Post. ( )

New York Attorney General Letitia James' office said the current Republican nominee's appeal is awash in "meritless legal arguments." ( )

"We the People" have to learn what every family if not every small town knows. 

"We the People" have to "make lying wrong again!!!!"


[1] Judge finalizes $25 million settlement for 'victims of Donald Trump's fraudulent university'

Trump University attendees are getting paid back.  ByAaron Katersky and M.L. Nestel, April 9, 2018, 7:35 PM,

[2] "Mueller: I did not clear Trump of obstruction of justice" PBS Politics Jul 24, 2019 9:53 AM EDT

[3] sub silentio is a Latin phrase that means "under silence" or "in silence". It's often used in legal contexts to describe something that's implied but not explicitly stated. For example, a court might overrule a case's holding sub silentio without explicitly stating that it's doing so.  Briscoe v. LaHue,  460 U. S. 362

[4] "This is the ABSOLUTE CORRUPTION of We the People's intent to establish justice!!!"


[6] Special counsel Jack Smith appeals ruling tossing Trump's classified documents case, August 26, 20244:40 PM ET


Monday, September 9, 2024

Polling, Polling, POLLING!!!


Polling, Polling, POLLING!!!


    Trump the politician, is ALL about CONCOCTED polling.  Hillary had no one contending with her in 2015/2016.  POLLING created Trump as a virtual "stalking horse" absurd loud mouth place holder.   But asking the question, who do you support, "Trump or Clinton" gave Trump OUTSIZED credibility from the start!!!


    Polling is flawed and the inherent FLAW is self-fulfilling.  Polls used to be annoying, no caller ID, calls at dinner time, but consistent.  Polls today are concocted, a little of this, a little of that and they are directed by those that have a vested interest in a CONTROVERSY, if not an outcome.

I refuse to believe Trump gets anywhere in the United States with HIS "alternative FACTS" without concocted polling.

We need to get back to REAL scientific POLLING if not a preference for REAL ranked choice runoff primaries.

It is not like we have not been here before, sans (without) computers, for example...  

"A Face in the Crowd"

"Elmer Gantry is an ALL American Boy, he is interested in Money, Girls and the Holy Bible..."

"You can fool some of the people all of the time, and all of the people some of the time, but you cannot fool all of the people all of the time," and it is commonly attributed to Abraham Lincoln, although the exact source is debated. 

Ted Koppel on taking election victories for granted
The "Sunday Morning" senior contributor notes that "whoever gets the most votes" does not necessarily mean victory - now more than ever.

Democrats, progressives, liberals are happy to be FULLY "woke"

#TrumpSheehy #TrumpHawley


Trump's rap sheet...

1. Spoiled Rich Kid

2. Bankrupt

3. Russian Asset

4 Twice impeached POTUS

5. 30,573 DOCUMENTED lies in 4 years office

9. 34-Felon


Trump's 30,573 lies in 4 years in office as reported by the Washington Post.


New York Attorney General Letitia James' office said the current Republican nominee's appeal is awash in "meritless legal arguments."


Wednesday, August 21, 2024

"Jane Crow" sexual discrimination is REAL!

"Jane Crow" sexual discrimination is REAL!

"Facts do not cease to exist because they are ignored."


The idea that women[1] and / or the police[2] need the ability to make accusations and not have to sustain them with "due process of law" is proverbially tantamount to the worst of Jim Crow's "Southern Horrors: Lynch Law in All Its Phases" by Ida B. Wells - in its modern manifestation "Jane Crow" sexual discrimination!

On November 3, 2003 (7:55 pm), I was getting ready to watch Monday Night Football with my son.  There was a knock on the front door.  My wife had just called my son from the garage.  She was just coming home.  I thus went to answer the front door alone.

Two police officers, with guns came in.  They served me with an exparte order of protection and explained that they were going to force me from my home.

It is an accepted legal axiom "possession is 9/10 of the law."  I would assert in the "Jane Crow era" possession is 10/10 of the law.

It has been nearly 21 years, and to this date, the deprivation of my paternal, property and liberty rights WITHOUT reasonable probable cause has never been recognized.  I was, literally, forced into a "Jane Crow era" all-consuming conspiracy against rights (18 U.S. Code § 241).

Since then I have been impoverished / homeless for 18 years, I was jailed for 411 days for charges that were dismissed all in my pursuit of my appeal to the Article III "Black Robed Royalist."

The "Jane Crow" era has NOW been PROVEN by socioeconomic statistical RESEARCH.  "Jane Crow" discrimination is REAL!  FATHERS ARE DISFAVORED by domestic relations law in the United States of America!  With the birth rate down by 48% since 1960 and teen pregnancy down by 65% just since 1990 -- single motherhood is UP by 700% since 1960 (40% of births were to single mothers in 2015 v.  1960's 5%).  This affects 35% of society (40%-5%=35%).  Per the report's authors, these figures stand without regard to race or income.

The law is on OUR SIDE, it is just that we do not have ACCESS to DUE PROCESS OF LAW to prove it!!!

The FACTS of MY case are without question - my liberty rights, my paternity rights, my property rights, were unconstitutionally deprived on November 3. 2003, 7:55pm CT.  THERE IS NO STATUTE OF LIMITATION on fraud or the deprivation of constitutional rights. I have been fighting to regain them relentlessly since.[3]  The UNDISPUTED issue is and has always been – a flagrantly, infamous, and fraudulent non-exigent, extra-judicial (coram non judice) court order:

1.    a fraud (fraus omnia corrumpit[4]) on the court by an officer of the court (FRCP 60(d)(3))[5]

2.    a NOT “facially valid court order”[6] (Stump v. Sparkman,435 U.S. 356-57 (1978) PENN v. U.S. 335 F.3d 790 (2003)) -

3.    that was reckonably[7] issued “in the "clear absence of all jurisdiction,” (Mireles v. Waco, 502 U.S. 9, 11-12, 112 S.Ct. 286, 116 L.Ed.2d 9 (1991) (per curiam) PENN v. U.S. 335 F.3d 790 (2003)

4.    “beyond debate” (Ashcroft v. al-Kidd, 563 U. S. 731, 741 (2011), Mullenix v. Luna 577 U. S. _(2015))

5.    “sufficiently clear that every reasonable official would have understood that what he is doing violates that right” (Anderson v. Creighton, 483 U. S. 635, 640 (1987), Ashcroft v. al-Kidd, 563 U. S. 731, 741 (2011)[8]

“The congressional purpose[9] seems to me to be clear- NO ONE IS ABOVE THE LAW.  A condition of lawlessness existed in certain of the States under which people were being denied their civil rights. Congress intended to provide a remedy for the wrongs being perpetrated. And its (US Congress 1871) members were not unaware that certain members of the judiciary were implicated in the state of affairs which the statute(s) (now codified as Criminal 18 U.S.C. § 241 &; 242 and Civil 42 U.S.C. § 1983 and 1985) was intended to rectify…. Mr. Rainey of South Carolina noted that "[T]he courts are in many instances under the control of those who are wholly inimical to the impartial administration of law and equity.  Congressman Beatty of Ohio claimed that it was the duty of Congress to listen to the appeals of those who, by reason of popular sentiment or secret organizations or prejudiced juries or bribed judges, [cannot] obtain the rights and privileges due an American citizen. . . ."  MR. JUSTICE DOUGLAS, dissenting. Pierson v. Ray, 386 U.S. 559 (1967)

THE GRAVITAS OF THE PERSONAL[10] ISSUE IS BEYOND QUESTION, IT TOOK AWAY PETITIONER’S SON, HOME, CAR AND EVERYTHING HE ONCE HELD DEAR IN THE WORLD.  Thus, the issue could never be construed as vexatious[11] nor is the ongoing fight against flagrant injustice “continual Calumniations”[12] nor could a near 20 year struggle against injustice be construed as an inconsequential “short ride.”[13] 

[2] Two police officers presented fraudulent testimony at trial.  I have the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) standard and the trial transcript.  See 4:07-cv-506-SOW (WD) – 8th Circuit 08-1823

[4] fraus omnia corrumpit - “Fraud corrupts all.” - A principle according to which the discovery of fraud invalidates all aspects of a judicial decision or arbitral award.  THERE IS NO STATUTE OF LIMITATION on fraud or the deprivation of constitutional rights.

[5] Rule 60(d)(3) of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure - “set aside a judgment for fraud on the court”

[6] The assertion of a misdemeanor traffic violation does not provide REASONABLE probable cause for an ex parte order of protection.  Clearly based on the original SERVED handwritten petition dated 11-03-03, there was a complete absence of jurisdiction for the stated charge.  

[7] If reason (reckonabilty) does not limit jurisdiction with probable cause, nothing can."reckonability" is a needful characteristic of any law worthy of the name."  Antonin Scalia: The Rule of Law as a Law of Rules,  56 U. Chi. L. Rev. 1175, 1175-81 (1989)

[8] "To this day, I am haunted by the vivid memory of the confirming shrug from the Police Officer when I questioned it as served on November 3, 2003.  I am further haunted by the memory of the same confirming shrug when Commissioner Jones first saw the absurdity of the court order on the bench November 20, 2003 as my attorney then highlighted as he repeated his prior objections."

[9] Jim Crow and/or Jane Crow

[10] While the petitioner asserts this is not necessarily an isolated Jane Crow issue, it is a uniquely flagrant “first impression” and PERSONAL for the petitioner.  Per McCabe v. Atchison, T. & S.F. Ry. Co., 235 U.S. 151 (1914) " The essence of the constitutional right to equal protection of the law is that it is a personal one, and does not depend upon the number of persons affected”

[11] Bradley v. Fisher, 80 U.S. 335 (1871), Page 80 U. S. 348 and 349

[12] Floyd and Barker. (1607) Easter Term, 5 James I - In the Court of Star Chamber. - First Published in the Reports, volume 12, page 23.

[13] Ida B. Well v. Chesapeake & Ohio Railroad - Tennessee Supreme Court, which reversed the lower court's ruling in 1887. It concluded, "We think it is evident that the purpose of the defendant in error was to harass with a view to this suit, and that her persistence was not in good faith to obtain a comfortable seat for the short ride."[Southwestern Reporter, Volume 4, May 16–August 1, 1887.


Thanks in advance...

"Agere sequitur esse" ('action follows being')

David G. Jeep, Federal Inmate #36072-044 (formerly) -

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