Friday, December 1, 2017

​​​​Trump's tax cut and reform is a FRAUD!!!


The idea of a TAX Reduction's, i.e., retained earnings will drive hiring and wage increases is a FRAUD.  You can not honestly actually believe somebody is going to hire more people or increase wages because of their altruistic beliefs and retained earnings.  That is a fraud, and the history of free-market, capitalism and feudalism proves it.  

The mansion just get bigger, the vacation homes get more numerous and the stamp, car, or art collections just get bigger!!!

Retained earnings without demand leads to gluttoning.

Demand ALONE drives hiring and wage increases.  An increase in the minimum wage to $15 / hr. will supply the DEMAND for more manufacturing and more hiring and wage increases via sustainable DEMAND, if inflation adjusted.  Wage increase creates demand at the lowest level and the profits trickle UP via completion to satiate the demand!!!  

Trump's tax cut and reform is a FRAUD!!!

Why are we doing it?  Trump says it will invigorate the economy and equalize the international playing field on corporate taxes. 

Even with dynamic scoring, accounting for all the GROWTH anticipated, we are still going to be losing $1.4 TRILLION  dollars!!!  We want to donate $1.4 TRILLION  dollars to corporate profits because We the People are just so nice?

I think you give $1.4 TRILLION dollars to the We the People in the form of a higher minimum wage and the GROWTH will trickle down DIRECTLY!!!

"Agere sequitur esse" ('action follows being')
David G. Jeep, 
Mobile (314) 514-5228

David G. Jeep
Saint Louis, MO 63155-9999

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