Friday, January 24, 2025


Ask Any Demographer

Trump has no broad plan, he is flaying randomly.   Trump is a convicted and diagnosed chronic degenerate, fraud and liar.

Ask any demographer.  The world is getting darker. There are more non-white people in the world than white.  Ask any medical authority dark skin is more resistant to skin cancer.  In a world of global warming and diminishing ozone there will be a REAL advantage with darker skin that "sunblock" can not overcome.  

"Trump is a fucking moron (Who said that?)."  Trump says "Drill Baby Drill."  Trump wants Global Warming.  Trump wants to hasten the demise of the fair skinned race.  "Drill Baby Drill."

MAGA you need to know the African race and the other NON-white races are going to replace you, and there is not a goddamn thing you can do about it.   You can not put up a wall or defeat DEI programs.  They have the numbers they have already won!

In the REAL world white people need DEI, long-term, more than colored people,  The numbers are just OVERWHELMING.  

Trump is a psychotic criminal "fucking moron!"  Trump is a convicted and diagnosed chronic degenerate, fraud and liar.  

Trump's ego creates a  psychotic irresistible need for the trappings of wealth and power.  Trump does not have the capacity to lead or to organize effectively.  Trump will again attempt the criminal fraud that has allowed him to CRIMINALLY defraud business associates through 6+ bankruptcies and 70+ years of CRIMINAL tax EVASION. 

Trump's ego will not allow him to be honorable.  Trump only knows ONE CRIMINAL WAY, lie, cheat. defraud!  He will again prove himself a convicted criminal.  He will need to be  impeached, incarcerated and his legacy impoverished to compensate his victims!  Trump is as close to "criminally insane" as you can come without meeting the definition!

Trump is a psychotic criminal "fucking moron!"

He can not help himself?


BE AWARE, but do not be afraid, Trump is, at best and at worst, pathetically incompetent and INEFFECTIVE manager / leader!


Trump does not know the name of the country he was or is to be president of...


Thanks in advance...

"Agere sequitur esse" ('action follows being')

David G. Jeep, Federal Inmate #36072-044 (formerly) -  -

Mobile (314) 514-5228 leave message


David G. Jeep

1531 Pine St Apt #512

St. Louis, MO 63103-2548


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