Saturday, November 26, 2016

​Trump GETS a tax-right-off because there is no admission of guilt!!!

Trump GETS a tax-right-off because there is no admission of guilt!!!

There is only #oneissue right now, the CRIMINAL prosecution of Trump for the RICO-FRAUD in the TRUMP UNIVERSITY and TRUMP FOUNDATION cases!!! 

We cannot let any possibility for a quid pro quo  cabinet appointment, Emolument while in office  or NO-Prosecute for Hillary DISTRACT US!!!  #NEVERTRUMP

If the Electoral College ever had any REAL purpose it was to allow saner, maybe more INFORMED (i.e. Trump University #TrumpUniversity and Trump Foundation) people to make the decision rather than a flawed electoral methodology. 

"Trump Gets $25 Million Tax Write-Off For Trump University Settlement" by Robert W. Wood – Forbes

Thanks in advance,
To Kill a Mocking Bird, The Denial of Due Process
"Agere sequitur esse"
"Time is  of the essence"
David G. Jeep, 
Federal Inmate #36072-044 (formerly)  or
My E-mail addresses are or 

(314) 514-5228

David G. Jeep
Saint Louis , MO 63155-9999

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