Monday, July 11, 2011

"Immunity is Given to Crime!!!!” The FLAW in American Justice Monday, July 11, 2011, 5:06:07 PM The Prosecution Rests, but I Can't CONNICK, DISTRICT ATTORNEY, ET AL. v. THOMPSON (3/29/11)

"Immunity is Given to Crime!!!!"
The FLAW in American Justice
Monday, July 11, 2011, 5:06:07 PM

"Immunity is given to crime, and the records of the public tribunals are searched in vain for any evidence of effective redress." "The courts are in many instances under the control of those who are wholly inimical to the impartial administration of law and equity."
The Supreme Court has "provided absolute immunity from subsequent damages liability for all persons -- governmental or otherwise -- who were integral parts of the judicial process."[1]  Now the Supreme Court tries to assert that they are still liable for the crimes, but NO One inside the conspiracy, the police, the prosecutors, the Judges will ever prosecute their fellow conspirators.  I have the proof, Jeep v United States of America 10-1947 in U.S. Court of Appeals for the Eighth Circuit.
"Immunity is given to crime, and the records of the public tribunals are searched in vain for any evidence of effective redress." "The courts are in many instances under the control of those who are wholly inimical to the impartial administration of law and equity."   I say it NOW!!! Justice William O. Douglas said it 1967.[2]  Mr. Lowe of Kansas and Mr. Rainey of South Carolina respectively said it in 1871 (Cong.Globe, 42d Cong., 1st Sess., 374 & 394). 

Impeach the Supreme Court FIVE[3]
for condoning the denial of a Constitutionally secured and congressionally un-abridge-able right to justice and
"fraud upon the court."

Impeach the Supreme Court FIVE for verifiable NOT "good Behaviour,[4]" denying the establishment of justice and abridging a Constitutionally secured and congressionally un-abridge-able right, with their deprivation of substantive justice between the government and the people, CONNICK, DISTRICT ATTORNEY, ET AL. v. THOMPSON (3/29/11) and "fraud upon the court" with Ashcroft v. al-Kidd No. 10–98!!!
The Right of Petition is the right to substantive justice between the government and the people.  We do not have any individually enforceable rights in this country, "Everybody, BUT the innocent victim, has "ABSOLUTE IMMUNITY"" for the deprivation of "any rights, privileges, or immunities secured by the Constitution and laws of the United States of America"[5] e.g., To Kill a Mocking Bird, The Denial of Due Process, The Exclusionary Rule, Grounds for Impeachment, Jeep v Obama, Jeep v United States of America 10-1947, Jeep v Jones "The most humble Petition for a Wirt of Certiorari to the Supreme Court 07-11115."

DGJeep "The Earth and everything that's in it" (
Monday, July 11, 2011, 5:06:07 PM, 0000 Blank Issue Paper REV 01.doc

[4] Article III Section 1 the Constitution for the United States of America "The Judges, both of the supreme and inferior Courts, shall hold their Offices during good Behaviour"

Thanks in advance

To Kill a Mocking Bird, The Denial of Due Process

"Agere sequitur esse"
"Time is of the essence"
David G. Jeep
E-mail is preferred,
(314) 514-5228

David G. Jeep
c/o The Bridge
1610 Olive Street,
Saint Louis, MO 63103-2316

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